Wednesday, August 27, 2008

DIY Princess On Board with Hello Kitty Sticker

Looking at the stickers, this idea had came across my mind.
It will be nice and cute to make it into a Baby on Board sign, especially this Princess Hello Kitty.

Make a template and print it on pink paper or colour of your choice (For Pricess Hello Kitty, I personally think pink is the best matching colour).
It is better to print on card. Since I only have paper so I use paper for this time.

Peel off Princess Hello Kitty #BL126
Paste it onto the printed template.

Place a stub at the top corner and trace the part to cut out. I steal the stub from the Ribena Soft Toy.

Cutting the hole is a bit difficult and tricky. I use the 2" scissors.
Laminate the sign b efore you cut out the hole.

And, tada...
Princess On Board
Unfortunately, I have a prince not princess..emmm who should I give this to.

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